Jamia Masjid Ghousia Mehria Nambal
Nambal village is situated in Tehsil Kallar Syedan of Rawalpindi District which is about 60 KM from Islamabad.
Jamia Masjid Ghousia Nambal was built around 1920 which consisted of just one room.The donation of land for the Mosque was given by late Raja Lal Khan during 1976 and the mosque was renovated once again.
In this renovation and extension process, the minarets of the mosque were built, the courtyard of the mosque was enlarged and new bathrooms has been built for the ease of people.
Nambal approximately consists of 15 to 20 Dhoks (villages). People from Nala Muslimana and Sukrana come to the same mosque for Friday and Eid prayers. This Mosque is in the middle of Nambal and Sukrana Ghad. As there is no other Jamia mosque in the area and people turnover on Eids and Friday prayer is more than the space available in the mosque, therefore mosque has been demolished for the purpose to rebuild a spacious double story building for the mosque. And this time again, land for mosque donated by late Raja Lal Khan’s son, Raja Manzoor Hussain.May ALLAH reward them.
This website built under the supervision of Raja Ali Asghar Nambal. May Allah give him a great reward.
And this website developed by Munir Malik for the sake of his late parents & brother. May Allah Kareem accept our efforts and reward them highest place in Jannat ul Firdos. Ameen

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